Effective the the 1st of march, Jens S. Group acquires Bronco Transmission AB.
“I am very happy to have Bronco onboard, with its highly skilled staff, sophisticated suppliers, and reputable market position. Bronco adds complementary value-adding industrial service capability to the entire Jens S. group, including the product lifecycle perspective, which is in line with Jens S. growth strategy,” says Johan Benzler, CEO, Jens S. Group.
Bronco Transmission AB is provider of products and specialist service of industrial breaks, gears and other mechanical power transmissions, such as speed reducers and speed increasers. The company was founded in 1995 and you can find their office situated in Knivsta, north of Stockholm. Their main product supply and service are for heavy Scandinavian industries within the maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO). Bronco and Cardan Norden will continue its own operations.
“We are very happy to join forces with Jens S. Group and to continue to grow our business” says Peter de Vos, Bronco Transmission AB.
For more information, please contact:
Johan Benzler, CEO, Jens S Group
+46 11 19 80 79, [email protected]